Penol advertisement from May 5, 1945
I’m always on the lookout for old magazines that contain advertisements for fountain pens. This week, I was lucky enough to stumble across an important newspaper in a flea market....
“Iridium” point?
Two good articles from once-upon-a-time about whether there is any iridium in “Iridium Point” nibs. Where’s the Iridium? How can we talk about Iridium?
Parker Ad from 1955
This advertisement is from the 15 March, 1955 issue of the Danish magazine “Familie Journal”. The title reads “Great Expectations” and the text at the bottom says “Parker: a gift...
Romance of Pen Industries
This book is interesting to read, partly because it is a window into the extreme colonial views of the British towards India in the early 1900s (the preface alone makes...
Parker Duofold
This book by David Shepherd and Dan Zazove is a must-read/have for anyone researching the history of the Duofold series of pens. You can borrow the book for a period...
Penol buys Gold
This full-page advertisement in Illustrert Familie Journal, Nr. 36, 1945 says “Gold is worth more than gold to Penol” with the text saying that Penol would buy your gold for...