Old Parker adverts
From Danske Drenge, 1926 Nr .5 This Parker advertisement is from the Illustrert Familie Journal, Nr. 39, from the 25th of September, 1951. From Illustrert Familie Journal, Nr. 48, 1958....
Old Penol adverts
This full-page back cover ad is from Billed-Bladet. Nr. 49, 3rd of December, 1940. This one is from Hjemmet magazine, Nr. 48, from the 30th of November, 1948.
Parker adverts
These are some magazine advertisements for Parker pens in Denmark. I don’t have the magazines – only the pages, so I don’t know much about them.
Penol Adverts
This full-page magazine advertisement would have been from around 1940 – 1942. Unfortunately, I only have the page – not the full magazine, so I don’t have nearly enough information...
Rouge et Noir advert: 1917
This magazine – a little like an almanac – is from 1917 and includes some advertisements on the back pages, including this one: Notice the ad on the right side...
From handwriting to footprinting
Free download of Anne Baillot’s book – or purchase a printed version from this page at Open Book Publishers
Parker Pen Memories
A series of videos made by JATV (Janesville Access Television).
Penol Repair Log
I found this at a flea market yesterday. It’s the repair log from the Chr. Olsen company, dating from the 1960s. I’ve scanned only two of the pages with data...
Hanji: Traditional Korean paper making
An excellent article – well worth reading!
Waterman catalogues
This page on Archive.org has scans of Waterman catalogues from 1885 to 1947.