Parker Victory MK V
The Parker Victory has a history ranging from the MK I that started production in 1941 to the MK V that ended in the 1960’s. The full story can be read on this page.
The MK V featured Parker’s new “aerometric” filling system, developed for the 51 and was essentially the same pen as the “Student” model. This Victory was made in Denmark by the Chr. Olsen company, the same company that made Penol pencils and pens. This can be seen in the M.I.D. indication in the imprint on the barrel, seen below.
As can probably also be seen in the photos, this pen was a burgundy model, but has faded considerably over the years. The original owner was given the pen by her employer in the 1950’s, and she subsequently purchased the matching Parker pencil (which was also made in Denmark).
Total weight: 16.2 g
Body weight: 10.6 g
Total length (not posted): 118.9 mm
Total length(with cap): 133.8 mm
Barrel max diameter: 11.5 mm
Cap max diameter: 12.9 mm
Total weight: 18.7 g
Total length: 126.0 mm
Barrel max diameter: 10.4 mm
V201904 and V201905
Thank you so much for the information! I have just found a pen just like the one above in a junk shop here in Sweden. Mine is in Burgundy too( a bit more shiny and in full colour because it had apparently been “resting”unused(?) in a Parker 51 box;-) , poor thing!) Your pen looks on the other hand really loved ! I was intrigued by the fact that the imprint on the barrel said M.I.D. that I know from other pens to mean ” Made in Denmark”. And now to have found out that this pen was made by my favorite vintage pen brand, Penol, was such a bonus! The nib has the imprint Parker 14 K D, I suppose the “D” means Denmark. Thanks again so much for helping me find out more about my pen!
Hi Charlotta,
Glad that I could be of help!