Parlament art deco style
This is a Parlament pen, made in Denmark, and obviously styled after the Eversharp Skyline. It’s made of ebonite and brass and actually feels considerably more robust than the Skyline. The clip is spring loaded, pivoting on a pin that runs through the cap top. Both the barrel and the cap material are quite thick, and the brass tip on the blind cap adds a heft when writing.

The nib is a 14K “Dover” which is likely a replacement for the original Parlament nib (shown in the photo at the bottom), and is rather small relative to the size of the pen, but it has a nice amount of flex. The cap comprises almost one half of the weight of the pen, so it’s much better balanced when not posted. Some instances of this pen have the Parlament logo imprinted on the barrel, but this one has no indications anywhere.

According to this page, Parlament was a sub-brand of Penol and the Christian Olsen company, intended for sale exclusively by the Gug-Kjeldsen stationary store in Odense, Denmark. It’s interesting that the design of this pen stands out as being quite different from other Penol models. The original nib looked like the one shown in the photo below, where the “G-K” logo for Gug-Kjeldsen can be seen.

Total weight: 17.7 g
Body weight 9.1 g
Total length (not posted): 119.8 mm
Total length(with cap): 136.5 mm
Barrel max diameter: 12.0 mm
Cap max diameter: 13.9 mm