Author: geoff
Orion 474 / Montblanc hybrid
I bought this pen on an auction in Sweden, taking a gamble that it was a Montblanc #2 Safety pen from the early 1900’s. Once it arrived, I could easily...
Montblanc 144
The Montblanc 144 is a smaller pen than the 146, and has a snap-on cap as opposed to the screw-on version like the Chopin 145, which replaced it. This is...
Waterman C/F
The Waterman C/F is regarded as the first production cartridge-filler pen, although that credit actually goes to an Italian company called LUS for their Atomica model. Although it’s a great...
Parker 51 Aerometric
This British 51 was cleaned up for a friend who has started collecting fountain pens. Everyone needs to have at least one or two 51s in their collection. It’s a...
Richard C. Conner’s Penspotters
Richard Conner shut down his website because he was sick and tired of the resulting spam and abuse (see the current message at but, thankfully in this case, the...
Fountain pen converter sizes and lookup chart
The top graphic is a link to one page that lists converters by size This one includes dimensions and capacities. The next is a guide by pen brand.