Parker Ad from 1955
This advertisement is from the 15 March, 1955 issue of the Danish magazine “Familie Journal”. The title reads “Great Expectations” and the text at the bottom says “Parker: a gift...
New star for an old pen: Part 1
This posting is incomplete. I’ll come back and finish it off once I get the recipe to work properly. One problem with old Montblanc pens is that they are occasionally...
Shopping for ink by colour
Inkfind is a website that lists ink by your chosen colour.
The Hampden
The goal of this pen was to make a pocket pen with a #6 nib that turned into a full-sized pen when posted. It can be used with a short...
This one’s a mystery…
I bought this pen based on some bad photos and a hunch that it was something interesting. Turns out that what I bought was a mystery. As can be seen...
Anthropocene Book I
From the artist’s website: “This portable manuscript recounts the six days of Creation as written in the Book of Genesis. But holes soon begin to appear in the pages and...
Vintage dip pen nibs
I fell down a rabbit hole with a USB microscope this week… From left to right the nibs shown are: Top row Middle Row Bottom Row